Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD
Subjects: firstDayOfSpring,games,articulation,speech,phonology
Grades: 0
Description: Shoot baskets to reveal hidden speech sound targets underneath with this basketball articulation activity! Basketball court sounds are activated when shooting baskets! This BOOM card deck includes: Z--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) ******************************* Visit the Speech Jeannie Store for the FULL DECK including the following sounds: K--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) G--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) S--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) Z--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) V--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) Th--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) L--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) R prevocalic (10 targets) All forms of vocalic /r/--(10 targets each) Sh--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) Ch--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) J--Initial, Medial, Final (10 targets each) CVC Words (10 targets) Blends--S, R, L (10 targets each) **************************************************************************** Visit The Speech Jeannie Store for more decks!