Speech Therapy Spanish Articulation R Sound (Photo Cards)

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by BilingualSLP LLC

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,apraxia,articulation,bilingual

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Here is a great tool for addressing correct production of /r/ in the initial, medial and final position of words, for Spanish speaking children. 8 words with initial /r/ (trill) - rey, radio, rana, reloj, robot, raqueta, regalo, rastrillo 13 words with medial /r/ (trill and non trill) - barco, pera, arana, camara, cuchara, lampara, naranja, tesoro - arroz, carro, gorra, perro, guitarra 5 words with final /r/ (non trill) - flor, doctor, dolar, tambor, tenedor