Basic Concepts: Colours

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by Katrina Bevan- Speech Language Pathologist

Price: 220 points or $2.2 USD

Subjects: speech,earlyIntervention,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Knowing the names of objects is important for vocabulary development and early learning. The following Boom Cards™ provide students a chance to learn and understand colours. Students can play in 3 ways: Find a colour- A simple task to check that students know 10 different colours Everyday Objects & colours- a sorting activity where the student applies their knowledge of colours to everyday objects. 10 cards Directions & colours: follow simple 1 and 2 step directions to find coloured objects within the row. 10 Cards Your purchase includes: Access to the 31 Boom Cards™ in this deck on the Boom Learning™ website 1 navigation card (at the start of the deck) Preparation: No prep! Boom Cards™ are played on a website so no printing, laminating or cutting! You will need to: Purchase this product and add the deck to your Boom library (You will have to create or log into your Boom account) The deck will now stay in your library ready for use with your students! I like to use this set of Boom Cards™ for: → Distance Learning on computers, tablets and phones → Telepractice/telehealth → learning adjectives/colours → Early learning of basic concepts → Vocabulary → For children with language delays or ESL → For children with Autism