Ear-Training - Major & Minor 5-Finger Scales

deck thumbnail

by Kelly Bordeaux Piano

Price: 550 points or $5.5 USD

Subjects: games,music,musicPiano

Grades: 0

Description: This ear-training deck includes 40 cards of major and minor 5-finger scales. Students hear audio of ascending major or minor 5-finger scales and then decide which keyboard with marked piano keys presents the interval they heard. Students play 15 cards at a time and cards are randomized so play is different each time. Audio with the pentascale being played on the piano is included on each card and plays automatically. Students can tap the audio button to hear the pentascale played as many times as they need before answering. Perfect for a quick ear-training activity during a piano lesson OR for at-home ear-training practice! **This deck is included in my 2023 Piano Lessons Growing Bundle.**