Grand Staff Note Reading - Treble & Bass Clef on Piano Keys

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by Melody Payne - Music for a Lifetime

Price: 625 points or $6.25 USD

Subjects: musicPiano,musicElementarySkills,music,musicBand,musicChoir,musicOrchestra,musicGuitar

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: Are your piano students struggling with the relationship between the piano keys and the grand staff? Do they often place their hands in the wrong octave? This set of Boom Cards™ is the perfect solution for reviewing the piano key and grand staff relationship! These space-themed task cards review Bass C to Treble C (C3 to C5), strengthening the piano key to grand staff relationship with every correct answer. Fabulous to use in piano lessons, group piano, music class, as a review, and more. These 60 colorful task cards review the notes of the grand staff, and where they are located on the white piano keys (ABCDEFG) in multiple choice format. 20 cards are shown per round and are randomized so play will be different each time. Students identify which piano key the rocket is on, determine which note on the grand staff matches that piano key, and click the correct answer. Perfect for online piano lessons, music class, piano class, distance learning, device-based learning, and much more!