Price: 400 points or $4 USD
Subjects: language
Grades: 6,7,8,9
Description: These digital task cards review la ropa in Spanish. Students will: Read a short paragraph and pack the suitcase Read a sentence and dress the person Read and match the item Listen and match the item Listen and select the person described Write the word based on the picture There are 61 interactive cards included in this set of digital task cards! Clothing Vocabulary Included: Los jeans La blusa La bolsa Las botas Los calcetines La camisa La camiseta La cartera La chaqueta El cinturĂ³n La corbata La falda Las gafas Las gafas de sol Los pantalones Los zapatos El vestido Los shorts La sudadera Color Vocabulary Included: Rojo Verde Azul Gris Morado Rosado MarrĂ³n Negro +m/f/s/p forms of the adjectives are used Listening files are not recorded by a native speaker.