Counting Pets with Ten Frames

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by BeckySAYS SLP

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: math,specialed,countingAndCardinality,counting

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: This deck targets counting numbers 1-10 with pets in an activity with 10 frames. There are 6 different pets that need counted. Pets include: dogs, cats, fish, turtles, birds, and mice. *Each pet is depicted across 10 cards. Each card says, "How many (animals) do you see?" (there are 1-10 images of the pet within the 10 frame) and there are 3 numbers. The student must count the pets and select the correct number (in a field of 3). After touching a number, the selected response will show as correct or incorrect. To proceed to the next question, press "NEXT>". *Numbers are randomized on each card.