Super Speech Spring Cleaning

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by Speechable Moments

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Students will target receptive and expressive language skills while completing 'spring cleaning' around the house. Tasks included: 1) Naming to description (10 Cards)- Given a description, figure out what the mystery item is under Tina's bed. Click and drag the bed to reveal the mystery item. 2) What doing? ( 7 fill-in the blank questions) - Provide a basic present tense verb-ing sentence (pronoun + is/are+verbing) to describe the visual (i.e. He is cleaning.) 3) Where? (10 multiple choice questions) - Help Bobby clean the house by putting objects in their correct room. 4) Making predictions ( 8 slides) - Students will make predictions and inferences based on visual picture scenes and answer the question, "What will happen next?"