Price: 500 points or $5 USD
Subjects: speech,specialed,sel,Special Autism,lifeSkills,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills,adultSpeech
Grades: 0
Description: This picture deck is designed to spark discussions about various negative emotions, encouraging you to identify and express feelings, explore why you feel that way, and consider possible ways to address them. Everyone responds to situations in their own unique way, with each of us experiencing different emotions and reactions. Some people find being in a crowded place uncomfortable, while others may see it as enjoyable. These pictures highlight the feelings of discomfort. 58 different situations There are no answers or interactive elements—just pictures. Possible goals to target with or without AAC: -Answering yes/no questions -Naming possible emotions caused by situation -State cause of emotions -Answer wh- questions -Problem solving -Perspectives