Ir a Infinitive Mi Verano | Spanish Reading Comprehension

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by SrtaSpanish

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: language,instructionalSpanish

Grades: 6,7,8,9

Description: These short readings are a great way for your students to get lots of input! This resource includes 14 short readings about how these students are going to spend their summers using "ir a infinitive" written in comprehensible language. The readings include vocabulary supports at the bottom of the page to help your students be successful. ❁ This resource is included in a more comprehensive resource HERE.❁ The readings include: Name Age Personality/physical characteristics What they are going to do this summer Who they’ll do it with (alone, friends, family, camp, etc) Where they are going Vocabulary support The readings are written in PRESENT TENSE, with an emphasis on including the simple future (ir a infinitive).