AAC Core: Life Skills- Single Emotions- OVERWHELMED

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by Atypical Living

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,sel,lifeSkills,Special Autism,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills

Grades: 0

Description: For use with an Augmentative Alternative Communication Device or any client working on improving receptive and expressive language skills. DRILL: OVERWHELMED This deck helps clients and students identify and label the feeling of being OVERWHELMED, using 28 images designed to depict situations that evoke the sensation of being overwhelmed. Ideal for describing scenarios and exploring what might cause overwhelm, this deck also allows for creative combinations like "loud party" or "big crowds." It supports emotional awareness and expressive language development, helping clients and students recognize and articulate their feelings. Use on the ™️BOOM learning platform or download as PDFs. There are no answers or boxes to click; any "clicking" should be done on the client's AAC device.