Following Directions to Make Cookies

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech,listeningSkills,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage,hearingAndAudiology

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: This deck contains 30 cards to target following directions for children working on receptive language or auditory rehabilitation. You could also use this as a small group language activity and target goals for description, verbs, sequencing, etc. Here is what's included: Card 1: Title page Cards 2 - 9: Use drag and drop to help "make" the cookies (add ingredients to bowl, use hand mixer, roll out the dough, etc.) Cards 10 - 19: Use drag and drop to follow 1-step (2 element) directions to decorate the cookies, such as "Put yellow frosting on the tree." Cards 20 - 29: Use drag and drop to follow 2-step (4 element) directions to decorate the cookies, such as "Put orange frosting on the egg and green frosting on the snowman." Card 30: Picture of the completed cookies