School Interactive Activity - Clark Rides the School Bus

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by Cloud Learners

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,cognitionSequencing

Grades: 1,2,3

Description: This deck is about Clark and his school adventure--RIDING THE SCHOOL BUS. Through this deck, you can target sequencing of 3 events, answering What, Where, and How questions, and use of sequential markers (First, Next/Then, Last). This deck has 3 events about going to the farm and has a total of 2o cards. This deck consists of 4 parts per summer activity: 1. Story slide - read the story and events 2. Picture Sequencing - arranging the pictures in order of sequence 3. Text Sequencing - arranging the written stimuli in order of sequence 4. Answering Questions - answer What and Where questions related to the activty All images are originally created by Cloud Learners.