Thanksgiving: Thankful Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives

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by Tiffany Brodsky

Price: 600 points or $6 USD

Subjects: ela,writing,englishSecondLanguage,language,instructionalEnglish,nativeEnglish,thanksgivingUS

Grades: 1,2,3,4,6

Description: This fantastic game lets students look at the pictures, read the thankful sentences, and click on the corresponding pronouns and/or possessive adjectives! What's Included: *about 30 fill-in-the-blanks questions, *related pictures for each question, *pages to encourage students to retry when they answer a problem incorrectly, and *pages to congratulate students upon a correct answer. A great game for whole groups, small groups, partners or independent practice in various settings and classroom environments! A nice addition to grammar lessons during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays even though only TWO sentences directly relate to Thanksgiving. :) Initially, this game was created for adult and middle school learners for the English (U.S.) language; however, it has been successful used for primary aged children as well. Enjoy! Copyright 2021, 2018 Tiffany Brodsky All rights are reserved.