4F32 Matching: Adding Fractions in Tenths and Hundredths

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by K-8 Math Sense

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: math,mathElementary,elementaryFractions,equivalentFractions,additionAndSubtraction,fractionsAndNumbers

Grades: 4,5,6

Description: Help students in fourth grade match models to expressions for adding fractions in tenths and hundredths. Students get LOTS of practice as they select two of six cards that represent the same sum. This effective research-based activity is fun for class discussion, or for individuals, partners, or a student working with an aide or tutor. See other Boom decks in this store, color coded by CCSS domain with a four-digit code for the objective. For related printable game cards, search code 4F32 in the Printable section of this store. 4F32 stands for the grade level, domain, cluster, and goal.