French clothing vocabulary LES VÊTEMENTS

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by Mme R's French Resources

Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD

Subjects: language,instructionalFrench

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9

Description: 20 cards for practicing French clothing vocabulary. There are 10 multiple choice questions and 10 fill-in-the blank questions. On the fill-in-the-blank questions, students can use either French or Canadian terms when applicable (example: le bonnet ou la tuque). For the fill-in-the blank, students will use the indefinite articles un, une, or des. Vocabulary terms included are: un short, une jupe, un pyjama, un tee-shirt, un manteau, un maillot de bain, un imperméable, des baskets, un sac à main, des sandales, une cravate,un costume, une écharpe, un parapluie, une robe, un pull/un chandail, un bonnet/une tuque, des chaussettes, un jean, and des bottes/des bottes de neige.