Minimal Pairs Final Consonant Deletion: Jumping gumballs

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by Evelyn's Speech Shop

Price: 170 points or $1.7 USD

Subjects: speech,apraxia,articulation,phonology

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: * Jumping Gumballs * This activity is ideal for your student to listen to final phonemes with minimal pair words. Help to work on auditory discrimination and PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS to address final consonant deletion. The objective of the game is for the student to move the gumballs into the gumball machine and say the image underneath x3 times. Word content: 20 words /bow, boat, sew, soap, toe, toad, go, goat, bee, beet, no, note, pie, pine, tie, moo, moon, tie, time, row, road/