Possessive Pronouns and Nouns Boom Cards™ | Homophones and Contractions

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by Adjusting the Sails

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD

Subjects: ela,elaLanguage,elaLanguageGrammar,conventionsOfStandardEnglish,englishSecondLanguage,eslGrammar,firstDayOfSpring

Grades: 4,5,6

Description: Are you looking for Spring themed digital task cards that can help your students identify and form possessive pronouns and nouns (singular and plural), differentiate between Possessive Pronouns and their homophones, as well as form contractions? This deck is perfect for these objectives and is well aligned with CCSS. What is included? ✦ One Boom Cards Deck with a total of 38 cards ✦ 5 cards with notes to review the needed information ✦ 34 cards with 7 activities: each activity includes 4 to 5 cards ✦ The questions are of multiple choice, and fill in the blank types to vary the difficulty level. ✦ This set is perfect for practice or revision of the lesson.