A Quiz Game Sound Patterns in Words

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by Speech Club Publications

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech,games

Grades: 0

Description: A Quiz Game for Linguistic Competence – Phoneme Order in Word Patterns is a 'sound order' in words quiz game that focuses on strengthening linguistic competence - the ability to think about and manipulate language. It requires a robust comprehension of phonologic and semantic relationships in both range and complexity. Quiz Game for Phoneme Order in Word Patterns focuses on strengthening the comprehension of phonologic, orthographic, and semantic representation. Phonological awareness: an awareness of sounds in words; orthographic awareness: an awareness of letter patterns forming words; and, morphological awareness: an awareness of changes in word meaning. This game format provides a fun and motivating activity for an individual student or for a small group of students. The activities provide practice in recognizing how a mix-up in the order of letters changes the meaning of a phrase, reading word patterns that make sense when read both right to left and left to right, and identifying sounds in words that change the meaning to make a sentence absurd. Game Categories 1. Spoonerisms - Change letters around so that the phrase makes sense 2. Palindromes - Read each word pattern then read it backwards 3. Word Mix Up - Identify the word that makes a sentence absurd and correct it 4. Grab Bag - Spoonerisms – Palindromes – Word Mix Up