Articulation of Intervocalic /r/ with Ultimate "Dad Jokes"

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by Suddenly TeleSLP

Price: 195 points or $1.95 USD

Subjects: speech,games,articulation,phonology

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: ***PLEASE READ ME FIRST*** Additional "Dad Joke" decks for articulation are available. There are a total of 25 jokes in these decks combined. If you purchase other DJ decks, please realize that some jokes may repeat, but I have avoided repetition within similar phoneme groups (ex. decks for initial /r/, intervocalic /r/, vocalic /r/, and /r/ blends have unique jokes with no repetitions; the /k/ deck and /g/ deck have different jokes but may contain the same jokes that occur in the /r/ decks). Directions/Info: There are 5 corny "dad jokes" included in the deck. Students respond to clues to identify an intervocalic /r/ image. As students identify/name the intervocalic /r/ image described on each card, the punchline to the joke is gradually revealed. The deck includes 45 unique intervocalic /r/ targets. You can modify the task to have the student produce the target from word - sentence levels. Like/Follow Suddenly Tele-SLP on Facebook for new product notifications and freebie alerts