Ir y la ciudad

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by SrtaSpanish

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 7,8,9,10

Description: These digital task cards review the verb ir in the present tense and city vocabulary in Spanish. Students will: Write the forms of ir in the present tense Conjugate ir for the illustration of the subject pronoun (sound clips included to help students understand the illustrations if needed!) Read the sentence and pick the correct illustration Listen and choose the correct location on the map based on where it says the people are going Write a sentence using ir and city vocabulary based on the illustration Answer the question "¿Adónde vas?" based on the illustration *Students will see the vosotros form but do not have to produce it There are 60 interactive cards included in this set of digital task cards! Vocabulary Included: El aeropuerto El apartamento El banco El café La casa El cine El correo La estación de autobús La estación de policía La estación de tren La florería La heladería El museo La oficina La panadería El restaurante El supermercado La tienda de ropa