Fact and Opinion - Women's Suffrage

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by Ms. Cotton's Corner

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 4,6

Description: This set of cards teaches students about fact and opinion using the Women's Suffrage movement as context. First, the deck has 1 card to review the definition of fact and opinion. Then, there are 5 cards with text about the history of votes for women, asking them to identify facts and opinions in context. There are also 5 cards with additional comprehension questions about the text, all related to identifying facts and opinions. The final 9 cards ask students to analyze primary sources related to the women's rights movement and identify facts and opinions in the sources. Throughout this deck, students will meet important suffragettes like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman and Jeanette Rankin. Using history to teach students the concepts of facts and opinions helps them see the authentic purpose for the skill and also expands their knowledge at the same time. Win win!