Price: 400 points or $4 USD
Subjects: speech
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: Unlock the door with the KEY to see what's behind the door! All the special items behind the door start with the /k/ sound! Every special item has an opportunity to be said 4x. Therefore, with 20 target words, that's 80 trials of mass practice for initial /k/! HOW TO PLAY: 1) To see what's behind each door, the child can drag the key to unlock it; 2) Have the child say the target word four times; 3) After the child says the target word, click on a box; and 4) After the target word is said four times and all four boxes have been clicked on, move onto unlocking the next door. IDEAS ON HOW TO TARGET INITIAL /K/: 1) Word level: key, car, corn, carrot, etc. 2) Phrase level: "use the key", "yellow key", etc. 3) Sentence level: "The key opened the door to a car"; "the key unlocked the door", etc.