Price: 1000 points or $10 USD
Subjects: science
Grades: 9,10,11,12
Description: This Boom deck was created with the sole purpose to help students practice AP Environmental Science (APES) Unit 1 A Living World Ecosystems. Since there is a 100 card limit in this learning platform, I had to split the unit up into two separate decks. This deck, which I am calling part 2, will allow your students to interactively practice standards 1.4 (The Carbon Cycle), 1.5 (The Nitrogen Cycle), 1.6 (The Phosphorous Cycle), 1.7 (The Water Cycle), 1.8 (Primary Productivity), 1.9 (Trophic Levels), 1.10 (Energy Flow and the 10% Rule), and 1.11 (Food Chains and Food Webs) from the College Board CED. Please purchase Unit 1 Part 2 for standards 1.4-1.11.