Price: 200 points or $2 USD
Subjects: earlyIntervention,receptiveLanguage,specialed,specialAba,communicationSkills,Special Autism,developmentalSkills
Grades: 14,13,1
Description: This deck focuses on receptive identification with yes and no visuals with a clear and simple format, ideal for your informal speech and language or ABLLS assessment. Each slide features an image and asks questions like, "Is this a dog?" Students respond by selecting between yes and no visuals. Includes a variety of images divided into nouns, actions, and feature, function, class to provide comprehensive practice. With included printable data sheet and audio directions, this deck supports effective teaching and easy progress monitoring and is accessible for all learners. Perfect for reinforcing receptive language skills and assessing ABLLS objectives. PCS is a trademark of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission. PCS and Boardmaker are trademarks of Tobii Dynavox LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.