Winter Auditory Memory Activities with Audio

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by EmilyParrDHH

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Welcome Winter with these fun auditory memory practice activities for your Deaf & Hard of Hearing students. This deck is designed for utilizing listening and spoken language, but can also be used to practice English sentence patterns and vocabulary. This deck includes: -8 cards of auditory memory for short sentences (4-5 words): Listen and unscramble the sentences. -8 cards of auditory memory for 2-4 critical elements: Listen and follow directions to drag & drop the items heard. -Open-ended drag & drop (errorless) with a snowman, gingerbread, and a winter scene. The addition of audio sound files on each slide (except the 3 open-ended activities) provides flexibility for distance learning/teletherapy or face to face instruction. Be sure to check out my other seasonal auditory memory Boom Cards here: