Major Nutrients Review

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by Stephanie Elkowitz

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: science,lifeScience,biology,growthAndDevelopmentOfOrganisms,structureAndFunction,health,healthPhysEd

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: A NO-PREP resource to review HIGH-YIELD topics in science! My science review sorts help students develop mastery of science concepts, review difficult concepts and avert common misconceptions and misunderstandings. Each individual review sort will target a specific topic. By doing so, students focus their attention and effort on advancing their understanding of scientific ideas and concepts related to that topic. Target Topic: Major Nutrients About this Product • 59 Cards Included • Students sort true and false statements about nutrition (12 cards) • Students sort characteristics of the five major nutrients (15 cards) • Students sort examples and food sources that are rich in the five major nutrients (20 cards) • Students sort true and false statements about nutrition requirements (12 cards) • Boom Learning Resources are sold independently of all other products and bundles at my TpT Store. This resource enriches Next Generation Science Standards.