Price: 200 points or $2 USD
Subjects: language
Grades: 6,7,8,9,10
Description: J'AIME LES SPORTS! - This creative and fun French material will help students to practice 26 sports in French. They will be engaged and have a lot fun with these Boom Cards. - This resource contains 26 DIGITAL TASK CARDS with the following activities: 1) Choose the correct picture; 2) Click the best sentence; 3) Choose the correct word. Vocabulary in French: - tennis, voile, équitation, basket-ball, escrime, volley-ball, tir à l'arc, boxe, saut à la perche, tennis de table, haltérophilie, marathon, lancer du poids, natation, aviron, lancer du marteau, tir, long saut, sprint, grand saut, golf, gymnastique, course d'obstacles, lancer du javelot, plongeons et vélo.