Summer Mixed Place Value Practice for 3-Digit Numbers

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by Jollymum

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: math,holiday,seasonSummer,mathElementary,baseTen,placeValue

Grades: 3,4

Description: Looking for an engaging activity for your students to review place value at the end of the year? Are you looking for activities for summer school? Do you start your school year in August and need resources with summer vibe? Either way, this progressive color by place value deck is the perfect way to review not only expanded notations, but also word forms, base 10 blocks and place value (hundreds, tens, ones) form too. What you can expect: Students will reveal an image by writing the standard form for their numbers in different forms. Each form has 10 cards. The forms on the cards are randomized. What you will receive with your purchase: ➤ 2 instruction cards ➤ 40 unique cards ➤ 1 "Well done!" card PLEASE NOTE: The deck uses flow magic with conditional links, meaning your students can only proceed to the next card if they find the correct answer.