Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: math,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction
Grades: 13,1
Description: Let's make ten! This deck works on addition combinations to make ten. There are 3 activities with 10 cards each. These activities move up in difficulty from the first one to the last activity. The first activity students will view a ten frame with ten apples in it of two different colors. Students will click on the equation they can make make using the apple combination within the ten frame. The second activity has a ten frame with an amount already inside it. Students will drag and drop addition items into the ten frame to get up to the number ten (filled ten frame). They must drag and drop the items and type in the amount they used. The last activity has pictured one addend of an equation and the students must figure out the other needed addend to make ten. There are pictures and equations.