SPACE DONUTS - Addition 01-10 - Counting - Base Ten - Math - 50 Cards

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by Mr. V's Autism Resources

Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD

Subjects: math,sel,speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Title: SPACE DONUTS Math - Addition Up to 10 Theme: SPACE/FOOD Deck Series: Deck 1 of 10 (numbers that add up to 0-10 Total Boom Cards on Deck: 50 Total Boom Cards in Series: 500 Features: Images, Audio, Fill-In This fun and interactive series of Math decks focuses on younger learners and students with special needs. Each deck gradually increases in difficulty and focuses on numbers that add up the deck range. For example, this deck will have answers that add up to numbers between 0-10 ONLY. The coins on each card will help students learn base-ten + singles counting skills. This deck is useful for early math learners, special education students, occupational therapy, social-emotional learning, and speech therapy. I have thoroughly proof-read the decks, but if you happen to encounter an error or any issues, please email me using the contact information on my Boom Store page and I will correct the issue ASAP. Also, you can click on the equals (=) sign and plus (+) sign :) Happy Learning. - Mr. V