Key Features Describing Back to School Backpack Speech Game

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by Language Playroom

Price: 415 points or $4.15 USD

Subjects: games,speech,specialed,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage,foundationalSkills,ela

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: This is a super fun item collecting game with a school theme and multiple choice questions targeting Key Features and descriptions. This game supports up to seven players! On the game menu, players choose the color of their backpacks and place them on the floor. Each of the 24 questions on the menu map to a page with a question prompt with a choice of 4 answers. Each of the questions targets a key descriptive feature such as size, shape, temperature, or texture. This is perfect to target EET goals and describing objects with elementary aged students. On the menu, the player will drag items into their backpack and watch them disappear inside. There are over 50 items on the board and the open ended nature of the game makes it have great replay value.