Price: 850 points or $8.5 USD
Subjects: literature,litReadingComprehension,keyIdeasInferences,whQuestions,speech
Grades: 0
Description: This comprehensive and interactive deck contains 12 activities that can be used for a variety of students and levels to accompany the Jan Brett book "The Mitten"! Who is Hiding in the Mitten: contains AAC strips and images to increase expressive and receptive language skills. Students tap on the mitten to reveal the hidden animals! Let's Learn All About the Animals: contains facts and information related to each of the animals in the story Into the Mitten Drag and Drop: students can drag and drop the animals from the story into the mitten. Also contains AAC strips and images. Words that Begin with "M": students can give the mouse a drink a milk and hear him slurp as the images are revealed underneath. Multiple Choice Questions: contains questions and 4 choices to select from. Short Answer Questions: students write down their responses to a variety of short-answer questions. Design Your Own Mitten: students get to draw and design their very own mitten and characters. Following Directions: students listen to auditory directions to place objects and animals in different locations. Let's Describe: students are shown objects/animals from the story and asked to use three adjectives to describe them. Inferencing: students listen to clues and guess the object/animal the clues are describing. Sequencing: students drag and drop the animals in their correct order. Vocabulary: students drag and drop definitions to words from the story.