FREE Turkey Tac Toe R and R Blends Thanksgiving Articulation

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by Pinwheel Speech Products

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: speech,games,holiday,thanksgivingUS,articulation

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: This Thanksgiving themed tac tac toe game is designed to be used during speech therapy sessions for articulation practice. You could also have them practice at the word level or create sentences when they are ready. Turkey Tac Toe is a fun game that can be played again and again! This FREE activity includes practice for the /r/ sound (including (initial) /r/, prevocalic R: ER, AR, OR, AIR, EAR/IRE, and R Blends. If you like this FREE sample, activity you might like the original Turkey Tac Toe resource that includes practice for K, G, F, V, S, Z, SH, CH, TH, L and R in all positions!