by Wide World of Speech Therapy
Price: 200 points or $2 USD
Subjects: ela,englishSecondLanguage,vocabAcquisitionAndUse,speech,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,eslVocab
Grades: 1,2,3,4
Description: Expand the concept of synonyms and antonyms to Tier 2 Vocabulary in this cute, fun set! Targeting Tier 2 words (cross-curricular, academic vocabulary), students feed Synonym Sam & Antonym Anne. (Tier 1 synonym & antonym deck sold separately in Wide World of Speech Therapy store.) Ideal for expanding the topic of synonyms and antonyms to middle elementary GenEd students, or for reinforcing the concept with students in Speech-Language Therapy, Special Education, and/or ELLs. Includes 20 target words (and their synonyms & antonyms), such as: opinion (belief, fact); modern (new, old); damage (break, fix); and more!