Daily 5: Spiral Review and Prerequisites: Lesson 0: Day 4

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by Creations by an Angell

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 5

Description: Daily 5: Spiral and Prerequisites decks are specially constructed to pair with the 5th grade Ready curriculum. Each deck has 5 questions from each of the Common Core Domains that correspond with a prerequisite needed for an upcoming lesson or a spiral review question once a lesson or standard has been taught. This deck is called Lesson 0: Day 4 because it can be used on the fourth day of Lesson 0 to help collect data in order to see if students are ready for the upcoming lessons. If your classroom does not use the Ready curriculum, these can still be used, but double check all standards have been taught before using each individual deck. This deck consists of: - Prerequisite for Lesson 4: 4.NBT.B.4: Four Digit Subtraction - Below Level Prerequisite for Lesson 4: 4.NF.C.6: Greater than, Less than, or Equal to Half - Prerequisite for Lesson 3: 3.OA.B.5: Commutative Property - Below Level Prerequisite for Lesson 1: 2.MD.A.1: Measuring with a Ruler - Below Level Prerequisite for Lesson 28: 3.G.A.1: Regular Vs Irregular Polygons