Quelle heure est-il? 4e-8e année

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by Mme Schouten

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: instructionalFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian,nativelanguage,language,nativeFrench

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: Telling time in French - on the hour, half past, quarter to and after, lunch and midnight, as well as the 24 hour clock. Explanation slides on how to tell time in French. There is a review of how to tell time on an analog clock, the names of the devices we use to tell time, Then the student learns the vocabulary associated with time: le quart, mains le quart, et demie, 'heures'. There is also a short explanation of the 24 hour clock, with practice activities.