TEENS Winter social inferences pragmatic language social ski

deck thumbnail

by Miss D's autism homeroom

Price: 325 points or $3.25 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 8,9,10,11

Description: This is a set of 17 different social scenarios using real life images (and background written information) to help students practice their social inferencing skills. Each scenario contains a multiple choice question and then between card 3-9 open ended inferencing questions (for students to type in their responses). This brings the total number of cards in this deck to 51 cards. THIS IS SET 1 This set is perfect for teens and older students. The scenarios provided in this deck focus upon winter time- they all have a winter theme. This set will target different inferencing skills such as (but not limited to): -Emotion identification -Perspective-taking (what are they thinking?) -Making social predictions (what will they do and say next) -Reading a situation to figure out 'what' is happening. -Reading a situation to work out 'why' something is happening. -Reading body language and figuring out what it is communicating.