Life Skills Cleaning Tools in Activities of Daily Living

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by Aimee Walton

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,adultSpeech,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,cognition

Grades: 8,9,10,11,12

Description: This deck consists of 61 cards, all targeting cleaning items used during activities of daily living. Page 1 is a MENU card to navigate to the desired area to target. Target areas include: ⭐️ open response with a picture of a cleaning item ⭐️ yes/no questions with a picture of a cleaning item ⭐️ multiple choice responses with a FO3 cleaning items to select from All responses are accepted in the open response form, but only one answer is correct in the yes/no questions and multiple choice response boxes. Cleaning items targeted include the following: vacuum, broom, trash can, trash bags, sponge, gloves, recycling bin, duster, bucket, cloth, starch, window cleaner, scrubbing brush, mop, dust pan, dusting spray, oven cleaner, hand vacuum, paper towels, dust mop, and ammonia. Enjoy!