Air Pollution Causes and Effects LESSON

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by Dynamic Earth Learning

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: science,physicalSciences,lifeScience,earthAndSpaceScience,appliedScience,healthPhysEd

Grades: 5,6,7,8

Description: Embedded video lesson on first slide! Then students answer 30 questions. This lesson explains how air pollution affects human health. It discusses the composition of air pollution, including particulate matter, and how it can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and lung damage. The lesson also explains how indoor and outdoor pollution can affect health, and the sources of outdoor air pollutants. Additionally, it highlights the severity of the air pollution problem globally, especially in developing countries, and emphasizes the need to reduce air pollution to create a healthier world for everyone. Finally, it suggests ways people can fight air pollution.