I CAN SPEAK UP Preschool Social Skills Story | Social Emotional Learning

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by ABA in School

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: sel,specialed,selfManagement,Special Autism,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills,selfAwareness,relationshipSkills

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: ❤️ Looking for preschool social emotional learning activities or social skills stories and social narratives on emotions and self-regulation? Working with preschool or special education students on social skills about communication and asserting self? Great for morning meeting or community circle as well as social groups, especially for students with autism who respond to social stories! This is one of many early childhood, toddler, or preschool level social emotional activities that combine SEL stories plus interactive activities. ❤️ This is I Can Speak Up. This activity is a 14-slide social narrative that teaches how to speak up with 4 easy steps and then 6 slides to practice with simple click and drag-and-drop activities (e.g., "Jayla wants to play with the kids at recess. Help her ask them to play."). Follow ABA in School to keep up-to-date with new and updated resources for early learning, speech therapy, special education, ABA, and data collection.