Price: 0 points or $0 USD
Subjects: speech,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage
Grades: 3,4,5,6
Description: Practice solving and explaining what makes jokes funny as a step to comprehending more complex figurative language with this Free PIRATES Teaching Humor with Riddle Jokes deck for students in grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6. Your students will solve each riddle joke, checking their answers by moving the gray box on a card. They'll then explain what makes each funny by identifying and clicking the wordplay- homonym, homophone, or sound change- used in an unexpected way in the riddle. Target multiple skills: understanding humor figurative language homonyms and homophones explaining thinking outside of the box social interactions Answer Key included. This deck contains 12 cards. Be sure to check out the available themed Teaching Humor with Riddle Jokes resources in my store.