North Pole Sequel (Rest) Regular Notation 2

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by Trinity Music

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: art

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: Your students will have so much fun giggling at Santa and his elves as they listen/identify patterns to help find the bag of toys Santa lost. A four beat introduction is given before each quarter note, eighth note (ta ti-ti) and quarter rest combination in this set of digital task cards. Every right and wrong answer has a different phrase in this set as it is PACKED with audio (even of directions) of Santa's elves and even Santa himself!:) Note: These are the same exact patterns as in North Pole Sequel: Quarter Rest 2(KODALY). FOR THOSE TRYING THE PREVIEW, USE THE FULL-SIZED VIEW AND PURPOSELY CHOOSE BOTH INCORRECT ANSWERS BEFORE SELECTING THE CORRECT ONE. ***Personally, I think there should be a cuteness "warning" on this set-LOL. If you find you have students who want to hear the messages from every elf (i.e. you find they may purposely try to get "questions" wrong, don't worry.....simply take (or accept) their "best" score from the reports rather than their average.