Apraxia Vowels Minimal Pairs Hearing Impaired Accent

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by Chatterbox Charlie Speech Therapy Materials

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,articulation,phonology,earlyIntervention,apraxia,hearingAndAudiology,bilingual

Grades: 13,1,2,3

Description: Apraxia Vowel Minimal Pairs This deck is designed to be used during speech-language therapy sessions and focuses on vowel minimal pairs. Students with apraxia, hearing impairment or those wanting to reduce their accent will benefit from the contrasting vowel words. As opposed to just using this deck for drills, I often use this deck in conjunction with board games or other types of hands-on games. The following words are in this deck: Bad/bud dad/dud mad/mud sad/sud ban/bin Dan/din fan/fin man/men pan/pen ran/wren tan/ten ban/bun Dan/done fan/fun pan/pun ran/run tan/ton bat/bet gnat/net mat/met pat/pet sat/set vat/vet bay/buy day/die hay/hi lay/lie May/my ray/rye pay/pie say/sigh way/why bet/bait let/late get/gate met/mate net/Nate wet/wait bet/bit let/lit met/mitt pet/pit set/sit bit/beet fit/feet hit/heat mitt/meet knit/neat pit/Pete sit/seat bit/bite fit/fight kit/kite mitt/might knit/night sit/sight cab/cut nab/nub tab/tub can/cane man/mane pan/pane ran/rain van/vane cap/cope lap/lope map/mope nap/nope pap/pope rap/rope sap/soap cat/cut gnat/nut mat/mutt pat/putt chip/chap lip/lap nip/nap rip/rap sip/sap tip/tap zip/zap chip cheap/dip/deep lip/leap hip/heap pip/peep rip/reap ship/sheep sip/seep cop/cope hop/hope mop/mope pop/pope sop/soap