Private or Public Information-Conversational Skills

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by SLP for every IEP

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: speech,sel,socialAwareness,pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication,relationshipSkills

Grades: 7,8,9,10

Description: The main goal of this lesson is for students to understand what topics are best used with friends and trusted adults and what topics are okay to discuss with everyone. This lesson reviews 15 different scenarios to review with your students. It is important to know the difference between personal/private information and public information. This resource will review a scenario and ask the student to determine whether the information is public or private information. If the student gets the answer incorrect, please review with them the correct answer and why. Please Note-There are ALWAYS exceptions to public and private information. Please know that if you need help, then it is okay to talk to a teacher/trusted adult/therapist about more specific/personal things. This resource was created for students who need help differentiating between public and private information in every day settings.