Spanish Sports and Hobbies: Recognition

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by World Language Cafe

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: language,nativeSounds,instructionalSpanish

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Students will learn to recognize 32 sports and hobbies in Spanish. Students listen to the audio file and select the picture that corresponds with sport or hobby. Native speaker comprehensible input is great for improving student pronunciation! Vocabulary: ajedrez, artes marciales, atlétismo, bailar, básquetbol/baloncesto, béisbol, billar, cantar, correr, dibujar, esquiar/esquí, fútbol, fútbol americano, fútbol norteamericano, golf, gimnasia, gimnástica, hockey sobre hielo, hockey sobre césped/hierba, ir de pesca, juegos de mesa, jugar videojuegos lacrosse, leer, levantar pesas, lucha libre, montar en bici/bicicleta, nadar, la natación, pintar, robótica, tejer/tejido, tenis, tenis de mesa, voleibol, yoga. If there is another word that you would like to see included or if you have other suggestions, email me at: