Tell Me Three Things Weather

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by Let's Talk Autism

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,specialAba,communicationSkills,Special Autism,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: In this deck, learners are presented with a picture associated with Weather and asked by the teacher or therapist to tell three things about it. As the learner answers, the teacher fills in a circle with a fun weather image, or instructs the learner to do so. Then the teacher clicks submit to move to the next card. The cards randomize. This deck is designed to be teacher/therapist presented and the adult determines the parameters of correct responses-single words, phrases or sentences! Cue with questions about color, function, features, label, etc if desired. Many thanks for considering this deck! Let's Talk Autism