Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: firstDayOfSpring,specialed,cognitionAttention,visualPerception
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: The cards in this deck relate to spring. There are 33 cards in the deck with static and animated pictures. If you match the correct pictures, you will hear a bell sound and see a green circle. The deck will automatically advance to the next card. If the wrong pictures are matched, a red circle will appear and a whoops sound is heard. You can try as many times as you like to find the picture that matches the one under the magnifying glass. A fun game to track where the pictures are and enhance visual perception skills. • Reinforce images that usually appear in the springtime. • Matching pictures that are the same. • Working independently and the ability to self-correct. The cards are randomized. Each time the deck is played, the cards will be in a different order. Also, the pictures on each card are randomized, so they will always change position each time the game is played. Enjoy!:)