Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: ela,specialed,communicationSkills,elaLanguage
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: This Expanding Utterances Activity contains 23 CARDS and is best used to help your learner hone their receptive and conversational skills. Use expansions inside and outside of the classroom to effectively increase the language development of children in early childhood. This deck contains colorful and engaging images and nouns with visual sentence strips to increase Mean Length Utterances (MLU) with the core word NEED. This Expanding Utterances deck features: - Visual Sentence Strips to guide students in expanding their MLU - Form words made up of Nouns + Verbs + Nouns (e.g. I need a list) - Multiple repetitions of the featured core word NEED - Various CVCC Words (bank, bulb, cast, hand, disc, lamp, tent, nest, list, mask, sink, milk, plane, snake, belt, desk, sand, glove, steak, spoon, heart, shark, fence) This activity targets the following IEP goals: - Expanding Utterances and Increasing MLU - Core word NEED - Pragmatics (e.g. identify/label objects. actions, events) - CVCC words -Describe objects using adjectives/attributes, (e.g. colors, compositions, functions, length, height, speed, odor, time, distance, etc.). - WH Questions