Price: 0 points or $0 USD
Subjects: comprehensionAndCollaboration,elaLanguage,speech,receptiveLanguage,ela,specialed,expressiveLanguage
Grades: 5,6,7
Description: I wanted to share a sample of my baseline data collection tool, so you all could try it out. I am LOVING it with my students. Here's the reason why: I do teletherapy, and I couldn't find a reasonable way to collect baseline data prior to annual IEPs for goal creation. I was navigating back and forth between several different windows, and each window seemed to always have ONE question per card. I clicked and clicked; it was so much work! Nothing was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to test RECEPTIVE skills and EXPRESSIVE skills, not one or the other. I also needed it to go quickly like it would in-person. Full version description: Teletherapy Baseline Data Collection Tool-77 targets This tool was created with the intent to utilize it prior to creating annual IEPs. Speech-language pathologists can administer this informal assessment to gather baseline data to create yearly goals. **Please note that while this deck has 28 cards it has 77 targets addressed because most cards have 5 questions. This is to allow for ease of administration. When you have to go through card to card, it wastes time. Skills Addressed: Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words, Idioms, Context Clues, Irregular verbs/nouns, Correctly Spelled Homophones, Inferences, Main Idea, Theme, Story Retell Receptive and Expressive Tasks for synonyms, antonyms, multiple meaning words, context clues, and idioms - 2 passages with AUDIO read aloud. Receptive and Expressive skills targeted following passages.